Amateur inherited an audio system...

Recently I've inherited an audio system. I have no idea of what they are, I have never heard any of the brand names before, but upon checking on the internet I've found out they are somewhat high quality units. It consisted of Meridian 506 CD Player, Forte Forty-Four Pre-amp, Forte Fifty-Five Amp, Velodyne Sub and a pair of Rogers LS3/5A speakers. Some friend suggested I check out, but as far as I can see most of the stuff are WAY over my head. Now that I found out about their value, my girlfriend is pressuring me to sell it, my question is.. Should I keep the system or sell it? It sounds very nice but my girlfriend keeps saying I don't need anything this fancy. Also, if I am going to sell it, is it better selling it as a system or piece-by-piece? Is eBay good for something like this? Any idea will be appreciated. Sorry for being so shallow, I really don't know much about high end audio... Thank you very much in advance.
This could be a test. Choose Wisely. There might just be a clause that says that if you sell the system, you end up forfeiting additional heretofore unmentioned inheritance and maybe even the analog front-end that goes with that nice system. Someone might be watching you very very closely ;-)

Listen to MattyBumpkin: DUMP THAT GIRLFRIEND and Enjoy the Music!
I agree with the above, keep the system and drop the girlfriend. Or better yet keep her and let the system continue to infuriate her! Anyway girlfriend aside you've got a nice little system that if set up correctly should sound very nice. If you're a music lover, and I'm guessing that you are, keep it and let it re-ignite your love of music. Use it as an excuse to go blow a bunch of money on new cd's. Most of all, enjoy it and resist the urge to upgrade at all cost, otherwise you'll end up like us, and nobody wants that, trust me.
You don't have to dump her at all. Just tell her to sit down, and play her favorite music. That will convince her to keep the system...period.