HT pass through or 2 sets cables?

I have a chord integrated amp for 2 channel and an arcam avr300 for video processing and surround sound. I want to keep the chord for two channel to power my maggie 1.6's, which are part of a theatre system. Would it be better to use the chord and pass the signal to the arcam and have the arcam control the whole system for theatre or just get 2 sets of speaker cables?
Home theater pass-through would be best. 2 sets of speaker cables would require either manually changing them when you changed amps, or hooking up a switch box of some sort. You shouldnt hook up 2 amps to one set of speakers at the same time.
I have a similar setup and can vouch for the HT passthrough option. I am using a Musical Fidelity integrated and an Arcam AVR200. The pass through works perfectly.
does your musical fidelty have a pass through button, when you push it, you have automatic unity gain? my chord integrated does not have this feature. would i use one of the sections of my chord, say the video output and run interconnects to the arcam? how would i equalize the volume?