Please Critique my Setup and Recommend Upgrade(s)

As a lifelong musician and former recording / pro audio engineer, this is my first foray into the world of HiFi and I could really use some advice and direction.  Last week I bought the following setup for a dedicated listening room that is essentially a 13x13 square room on three sides with the area behind me extending back another 25 or so feet.  There is a partial backwall about four feet wide but it is mostly open air behind me.  Ceilings are 9' and I have GIK bass traps in all corners, early reflection points on the side walls, and panels overhead between speakers and listening position.  Speakers are about 2 1/2 feet from back wall, 6 ft. apart, slightly toed in on cheap stands weighted down by cinder blocks.

1. 2017 VPI Scout Prime turntable with Ortofon Bronze
2. 2017 Rega Brio Integrated 50wpc Amp and Phono Stage
3. ELAC Uni-Fi UB5 Speakers

So far this setup certainly sounds good, but it isn't blowing me away either.  At lower volumes the soundstage feels a little small and two-dimensional.  At louder volumes the sound seems to fill the room more, thereby enhancing the soundstage and making the music feel more natural as opposed to coming from directly in front of me.  The stereo imaging is okay, but I expected a little more stereo separation.  Also, perhaps the speakers are still breaking in, but the ELACs don't seem to do the best job of presenting the music in a cohesive manner.  It sounds like the frequency bands are a little disjointed.    

Should I stick with the ELACs but consider a higher end integrated amp that can feed them a little more power like a Parasound Halo?  Or should I nix the ELACs and invest in some more efficient and higher end loudspeakers,e.g. Devore, ATC, ProAc, etc...?  Would I still get an audible improvement with these nicer and more efficient speakers if I stick with the Rega Brio, or do these high end speakers warrant a truly high end amp?  I ask because I likely can't upgrade both speakers and amp at the same time.    

I also considered the KEF LS50, but it seems like they are similar to the ELACs in that they are rather inefficient and need a powerful amp.  

Speakers for sure.  We can nitpick and upgrade the whole system, but for me, your speakers are the weak link. I also thought about the cartridge, as it seems to be a bit outmatched by your table, but that I think can stay for a while. 

I dont know your budget or taste, but these two speakers caught my eye after a cursory search.  Both larger and more sensitive than your current speakers, and both a big jump up. Both in the 800-1200 price range on the 2nd hand market on audiogon.

I think I would look for a speaker I liked and that the rega could drive reasonably well first. My next focus would probably be a MC cartridge and a phono preamp that can properly amplify the MC cart.  I would budget about $1000 for a new MC cart and perhaps $500 for a used phono preamp. I think that level of analog gear will be more properly matched to your table, and once you have found speakers, the source is the next worthy upgrade.

lastly, I would look at the amplification and cables.  All this of course assumes that you don't mind diving in and funding a total system upgrade!!  It certainly doesn't have to happen overnight.  But if you have the taste for it and want the next level in sound reproduction, that is the path I would follow in the months or years to come.

@529, Tektons have been around for a while. I am very glad I took the chance on them. IMO they will simply crush anything in and around the 3k mark. I've owned KEF Reference, Paradigm Sigs several times, Ushers, Dynaudio, Revel Performa, and some more I'm sure I'm forgetting. This is just my opinion the Double Impact as an overall package spanks them rather handidly. 
The Tektons look interesting and say they are efficient, though they also say they can handle 400 watts at 4 ohms.  They offer a 60 day trial, which is generous.  Shipping 200 lbs of speakers back...ouch!

Not sure you can expect $400 bookshelf ELACs to fill such a big room.  You will be better served by a full range floor standing set. Forget sub and invest the extra into your main left/right channels.  

If you have a dealer in your area, there is no harm in asking them for advice.  They should know what speakers have good synergy with certain amps; maybe even your Brio.  Though, I am thinking to get the sound you are after in that large space, you will need something more than what the Brio can deliver.  At least you have started with a pretty solid analogue front end!