Dac: Does anyhting beat the Schiit Gungnir Multibit (Gumby) in the same price range?

Schitt Gungnir Multibit (Gumby): Does anything beat it in the same price range?

"Have you directly compared the Ares to the well-regarded dacs from Metrum and Schiit? "

Not yet; I've only compared the Ares, Soekris  and Audio-GD to each other, all recent purchases within the last couple months.

Two months ago  I also purchased a Yggy from another popular site and stupidly sent a check. The seller disappeared, I never received the Yggy. Expensive mistake.

At this point I'm trying to discover a "diamond in the rough" at a lower price point, that's why I bought four. When I determine which one sounds best, I'll sell the others to purchase a Yggy again or maybe a Holo Spring for comparison.

Ares has a unique sound, detailed but relaxed. I'm not quite used to it, but I like it.

I'm sure you can google to find others who have compared Ares to other mega expensive dacs.


I opened a thread about Museatex Bitstream being the best DAC I have heard. So, although most of you will find it odd that I am recommending a 25-year old DAC, I can say that you have to try it before you say anything. I can't believe how musical and organic this DAC is. Hard to find it though. About $400.
"I opened a thread about Museatex Bitstream being the best DAC I have heard. So, although most of you will find it odd that I am recommending a 25-year old DAC, I can say that you have to try it before you say anything. I can’t believe how musical and organic this DAC is. Hard to find it though. About $400." 

So, Have you compared to any of the dacs mentioned in this thread? If so, how do they compare?