Expectations for warranty repair timing


I've had a piece of audio gear back with a manufacturer for repair for a month, and want to solicit feedback here on what constitutes an appropriate turnaround time for warranty repair.  This isn't stipulated in the warranty paperwork, and there doesn't appear to be any guidance on this from consumer advocacy organizations, so I'm turning to you all to make sure my expectations are in the right place.  

A month (or more, we'll see) doesn't feel like a reasonable wait time to me, and it doesn't help that my periodic requests for updates have been met with dismissiveness.  Regardless, I'd appreciate hearing from others who have had similar experiences. 

I would say that some of it depends on the country of manufacturing. If the company is in the same country as you, I agree, that a month should be plenty of time to provide most common services.

However, if you are dealing with International shipping, and/or extensive damage repairs, I could certainly understand it taking longer than a month.
In my experience, one must temper impatient desire for the return of one's gear with a realistic appraisal of the manufacturer's size and scale of operation. If you have a component from a one or two man shop, a month's wait is nothing unusual. I've had an amp sit waiting for repair for multiple month's from one well known but small manufacturer. On the other hand, if I had gear go back to someone like Bryston who operates on a larger scale, I would expect a repair to be completed within a month's time unless there was a delay for parts. However, I've also heard more than one person complain that really large manufacturers can be really slow and unresponsive as well. In any event, I learned long ago, have two of everything so you've always got a backup. 
Thanks.  This isn't extensive damage, but the manufacturer appears to be having trouble fixing the problem (though they've clearly been able to replicate it).  Question is, when should they offer a replacement unit or refund if they can't get it repaired?  

That month doesn't include shipping.  It's been back with the manufacturer for a full month.