What 3 Albums of 2/3 Genres (PopRock, Jazz, Classical) Would You Recommend?

For all the questions I ask about systems and gear, I really need to ask more about music because that's why we do this, right? 

If we (meaning, any of us really) met today, what 3 albums would you loan out to listen to from:
(1) Pop/Rock;
(2) Jazz; and/or
(3) Classical. 

Pick any 2 or all 3 categories. 

I think the following parameters might be helpful: 

--Avoid Canon Choices:  It might help to try to dig a bit deeper than albums that are in the cannon of genres 1 and 2--e.g., Beatles Abbey Road or Miles Davis Kind of Blue--only because they have so much appeal and crossover ability that they are relatively obvious choices.  

--Lump in sub/other Genres:  Of course be mindful that you can and should lump in other genres as sub-genres--e.g. Folk, Blues, Electronic. Shoehorn them in where you think appropriate. 

--Musical Content/Sonics:  Both should matter to some degree.  The albums can be well known or just one of your pets that you'd like to share. 

Thanks in advance! My music collection will thank you!!!

You want great recordings  ? Here are some faves.Richard Thompson My Old Kit bag. Everlast Eat At Whiteys.Joni Mitchelle Court and spark.Cat Stevens Tea for The Tilleman.Talking Heads,B 52S 1st 2 albums.Enjoy.


Lucifer's Friend - Lucifer's Friend
Los Lobos - Colossal Head
Adrian Belew - Side One
Tull - Songs From the Wood

Miles davis - The Complete on The Corner Sessions Box Set

Lucifer's Friend s/t is a great call-- the original German Philips is worth the price compared to any reissue I've heard.

I'd throw in Spirit's Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus-- a relatively well known album in its day that is all but forgotten now.

I'd also recommend Cressida's second album on Vertigo, Asylum, but that one is gonna cost. 

Jazz- Ken Golden turned me on to "Marchin' On" by the Heath Bros on Strata East. In the vein of spiritual jazz, but eclectic- the Smilin' Billy Suite features a bass viol- has overtones of classical.

Classical- I'll get back to you. One of my stand by records for many years was the Martinon Paris Conservatory Orchestra- Decca SXL 2252, but reissued many times. Lot's of drama and a little offbeat.