Best processor that is excellent for 2 Ch music

Or I should say, best surround preamp that has excellent 2 ch music capability. Basically I am 90% music / 10% HT, and I want to have a surround processor that is excellent for music listening (so as long as the processor has a 5.1 output I am fine, don't need too much features there).

What should I looked at if I want to spend <$1500? Would prefer a silver finish and gently used on A'gon is fine. What do you think? I heard about the Proceed AVP that should be great for 2 channel, another other recommendations?

Any thoughts on going with something like the Outlaw 1070 and a decent 2-channel integrated in the $800 range or so (eg Creek 5350se)?

Seems to me a way to get very nice setups for both worlds, but not something I've done before and still don't entirely understand how it gets setup.
Flrnlamb, have you actually heard the Cary multi-channel pre-pros? The newest one, at 6k, it's a serious pice of audio gear (yes, "audio". Several of their earlier pre-pros are available reasonably and are very good sounding.

No, I don't think they sound better than my stand-alone 2 channel tubed preamp (Herron VTSP1a-166, which is fed by a Cary 303/300 into Herron M150 mono amps thence into Alon Vs).

But I'd put the older Cary pre-pros up against any $500-$700 used 2 channel preamp.

For me, the AVR 300 is dandy in a separate system from the main 2 channel rig. But if I had to condense down into one set up I'd be using my next pre (upgrading to the Herron VTSP-2 soon) with HT by-pass.
I agree James. Though, it may be a tough squeeze to get a Bryston for under 1500. The Bryston has the best two channel performance of all the Pre/Pros I have used. Again you're right, it has a completely separate analog preamp two channel section. Designed from the onset to provide outstanding two channel performance.
Rekon, I think you just anwered your own question! I simply think it's a much much better deal to go with quality digital pre, and quality 2 channel preamp, looped together. Whould I spend $6k on a tube multi-channel pre? The reality is that the Cary pre/pro (is it really a processor built into the unit,or just a multi-channel preamp?), isn't going to be any significantly better sounding, probably less, than a good quality used tube pre, in regards to 2 channel. With better tube compliments, the sound is going to be as good as one could expect in some of these used, sub $1k, tube pre's, from Audio Research(ok, a little tubby in the bass), Copeland, old used Cary even, and many others, for less money! Again, for $450 used, you can get a great sounding Acurus Act 3 digital pre/pro, and some used tube preamp (2 channel dubties), with the right tubes, all for a much better deal, maximizing both 2 channel and 5.1 channel. That's my choice anyway.
No, I've not heard the Cary piece in mention. But I've heard enough gear over the years to know what's what.
We always seem to disagree...;-)

For those who have the $$ and want to cut down on boxes the Cary is a very good sonic solution. (The pre section is not tubed BTW, although Cary is famous for their tubed pres and amps.)

As I mentioned, I'm listening to my 2 channel through 4K of tubed preamp so I'm pretty picky about 2 channel. I trust my ears.

It's just another way for someone to consider - your suggestion is valid and good adice, but not the only option.
