Here's the update:
i am in the thick of comparing the ODSX and the Emm DA2. I will hold reports until I am done.
I ordered a Chord DAVE DAC and am going to arrange an Antipodes DX (version 2, which is supposedly light years ahead of the original version). Dave (Audio Doctor) is coming over Sunday morning with a Davinci LightHarmonic DAC, the top tier T&A DAC and the Baetis music server. We are going to have a huge shoutout between the Emm DA2, ODSX and N10 with his gear. Should be VERY illuminating.
My Chord DAVE and DX should be here in a few weeks.
I'm trying to arrange to get the CAD DAC and CAT music server in and have arranged for the TotalDAC DAC 12 & Music Server to come early summer. I'd still love to arrange to hear a Rossini in my room; I have some thoughts on that.
Yes, there are a few reference tube DAC's I have not considered; I'm ok with that. Apologies to those who are tube dac fans. It is what it is. If you feel strongly enough for me to include them then you can arrange with the manufacturer or a dealer to contact me and arrange an audition.
Also gonna have a buddy come over this summer (CTSooner) and bring his Ayre DAC so we can compare that little bad boy to the big bad boys.
Fun times are afoot!
i am in the thick of comparing the ODSX and the Emm DA2. I will hold reports until I am done.
I ordered a Chord DAVE DAC and am going to arrange an Antipodes DX (version 2, which is supposedly light years ahead of the original version). Dave (Audio Doctor) is coming over Sunday morning with a Davinci LightHarmonic DAC, the top tier T&A DAC and the Baetis music server. We are going to have a huge shoutout between the Emm DA2, ODSX and N10 with his gear. Should be VERY illuminating.
My Chord DAVE and DX should be here in a few weeks.
I'm trying to arrange to get the CAD DAC and CAT music server in and have arranged for the TotalDAC DAC 12 & Music Server to come early summer. I'd still love to arrange to hear a Rossini in my room; I have some thoughts on that.
Yes, there are a few reference tube DAC's I have not considered; I'm ok with that. Apologies to those who are tube dac fans. It is what it is. If you feel strongly enough for me to include them then you can arrange with the manufacturer or a dealer to contact me and arrange an audition.
Also gonna have a buddy come over this summer (CTSooner) and bring his Ayre DAC so we can compare that little bad boy to the big bad boys.
Fun times are afoot!