Floor Standing Speakers That Would Sound Good With the NAD Integrated Amplifier.

Looking for the floor standing speakers that would sound good with the NAD Integrated amplifiers.
I was thinking to go with the Monitor Audio Silver 8 but I had mixed opinion about MA since I had Silver 2
and highs were like rolled off or is that because of the 2 way design. My budget is $3000.00. The room is
12' x 17' x 8'. They will be placed along the long wall and maximum 18" from the rear wall.
Or for that size of the room I should go with the stand mount speakers.
Thank you in advance on your opinions.

Thanks for letting us know which NAD amp you have - the big one at 150 wpc into 8 or 4 ohms.  That leaves dozens and dozens to choose from that your NAD will properly drive.  And they all sound different!  Speakers are way too subjective for anyone to give you a meaningful recommendation from the internet - all you'll get is what someone already has or wants to have.

Again, do you have anywhere you can go to start auditioning speakers with music that you are very familiar with?  Make up a sort list of those models within your budget whose sound you like.  Good luck.
Give Ty Lashbrook with Tyler Acoustics a call. He's one of the "good guys" in the business. I own two sets of his speakers and they perform great with anything I have put in front of them.
I had a prior model in my prior "B" system. The C370 integrated, so I will comment on the bespoke NAD sonic signature from personal experience..... not just its strengths but also Its warts.

I heartily agree with the common themes in published reviews .... sample attached



-- Slight softness in midband
-- Lacks the polish to make the most of some high resolution speakers

I would not spend anymore on speakers than its max MSRP (past ) $1500 price-point (this model now discontinued ) simply because it planes out dramatically in its audio performance capability with speakers capped to its price strata,

IMO and my hands-on experience , doubling your speaker budget with this rig to $3K won’t help you.
As a personal experience comparison, I ran TOTEM ARROS and FORESTS simultaneously with the C370 . The FORESTS at more than double the price of the ARROS did not prevail at all.

In fact, I actually preferred the ARROs simply because it was a better match (for me) because of the "dark" and rolled-off top end audio signature of the NAD.

The FORESTs then mated with an ARCAM FMJ rig (much more $ inline with the FOREST price strata ) with a better detailed and airy sonic signature was the key to an audio performance step -up that the NAD could not deliver on.

Your takeaway IMO

I agree with Willand’s posted suggestion that the PSB speaker line (same distributor) will marry up much better with the NAD