Uriah Heep´s first 3 albums really, UK originals - my first ones were actually original c-cassettes, bought the vinyls shortly after
- David Byron can sing everything with huge manly & clean vocal style from heartbreaking ballads "Come Away Melinda", pop, blues "Lucy Blues", heavy rock "July Morning" rock´n´roll, jazz/prog "Wake Up, Set Your Sights", soft jazz/rock "The Park", folk, to operatic heavy metal "Bird of Pray" with ease. 1st album is an incredible mix of many rock styles and "Salisbury" completes the flawless union/fusion of a rock group and a symphony orchestra. And "Look at Yourself" is the ultimate heavy metal album. And frankly all 7 first albums still the best for me since the incredibly versatile 70´s. Musically I mean.
David Byron and Gary Thain, the greatest musicians forever ´cos they lived only for the music
Thanks guys and my dear Dad who bought me my first humble Island c-cassette that changed my life forever
- David Byron can sing everything with huge manly & clean vocal style from heartbreaking ballads "Come Away Melinda", pop, blues "Lucy Blues", heavy rock "July Morning" rock´n´roll, jazz/prog "Wake Up, Set Your Sights", soft jazz/rock "The Park", folk, to operatic heavy metal "Bird of Pray" with ease. 1st album is an incredible mix of many rock styles and "Salisbury" completes the flawless union/fusion of a rock group and a symphony orchestra. And "Look at Yourself" is the ultimate heavy metal album. And frankly all 7 first albums still the best for me since the incredibly versatile 70´s. Musically I mean.
David Byron and Gary Thain, the greatest musicians forever ´cos they lived only for the music
Thanks guys and my dear Dad who bought me my first humble Island c-cassette that changed my life forever