Best integrated from this list...

Below is a list of what I am considering. My source is a Naim CD3.5 and speakers are Vandersteen 2c. Cabling is DH Labs Q-10 speaker and Air Matrix interconnects. My system is an a second bedroom that is 12x14, with a non-slopped 5x5 dormer section. The Vandys sound great in that room and I have them placed according to the owner's manual. The Vandys have a more laid back sound and the CD3.5 blends well with them as it is on the fuller side, yet still has deep, punchy bass and crisp airy highs. I guess to keep the synergy, I'm looking for an integrated on the neutral side--especially in the mids. A swing either way will throw-off the balance I assume. I definitely want an integrated with extended bass response and detail, yet still have punch/slam. Considering the room size, I can operate anything within the 50-100wpc range. Another option is to go separates. A local audio buddy of mine has a McIntosh MC-502 for sale that I could run the CD3.5 direct as it has L & R volume controls on the front. This would only be until I could get a preamp.

1. Creek "Classic" 5350SE
2. Classe CAP-101
3. Musical Fidelity M3si
4. Arcam A19, A85, or equivalent/better.
5. Simaudio Moon i1/250i
6. McIntosh MC-502 (CD3.5 direct until preamp)
7. Other possibilities???
I tried the Creek Classic 5350SE. It was pretty nice; but when I compared it with the Belles Aria, the Aria bested it. It also is a natural match for the Vandies.
I just heard a Primare I32. Awesome. Eerily realistic. No flaws that I can hear. You may be able to get a deal as I've heard they are coming out with a new model soon. The I32 has a reputation of mating well with almost any speaker.
audioconnection "The Belles Aria offers a superb match with Vandies"

I am curious why Belles seems to be a well-kept secret. They have few dealers, and don't get reviewed much. The reviews I have read are excellent. It's curious.

"ADCOM GFA 555 (any generation $300-$350 used) and the ADCOM GFP 565 preamp ($300 or so used) these two pieces sold for $1000 amp/$800 preamp. This would be special with those speakers and would save you some $$ too. The preamp has a good MM phono section too. Together with those speakers the sound will be tight, bass will be deep and controlled with a huge wide soundstage with great extended highs and beautiful
midrange that will move you"

I can't see any Adcom gear especially what was mentioned having a huge, wide soundstage. If that was the case it would be mentioned more in the forums and would be the flavor of the week.