Ever Bought an Audio Product that was Stupid Good for the Money?

This is the place to share. Please no shills. 
Audio Research VT-80, rare combination of pure musical bliss and pleasing aesthetics.  
Dr. Jerry you and I have much in common, but not the gear.  The Stupid good for the money is my favorite pre the AE-3 by AES a sub brand of Cary .  Cost me $350 used.  I have tubes (each) that cost close to that I put in it.
My Mapletree Audio 2A/SE preamp (6SN7/12SN7, tube rectified, custom gains per input). Upgraded version (Blackgate caps), new, was less than $1k. Have had it for years and have no intention of swapping it out. Terrific value (and sound). The stupidest goodest gear for the money in my setup by far.