Ever Bought an Audio Product that was Stupid Good for the Money?

This is the place to share. Please no shills. 
Fully restored Gale GS401A speakers. To me they not only sound incredible they also look incredible. Not bad for only $1,500 including shipping from David Smith at Vintage Gale in the UK.
Audio Research VT-80, rare combination of pure musical bliss and pleasing aesthetics.  
Dr. Jerry you and I have much in common, but not the gear.  The Stupid good for the money is my favorite pre the AE-3 by AES a sub brand of Cary .  Cost me $350 used.  I have tubes (each) that cost close to that I put in it.
My Mapletree Audio 2A/SE preamp (6SN7/12SN7, tube rectified, custom gains per input). Upgraded version (Blackgate caps), new, was less than $1k. Have had it for years and have no intention of swapping it out. Terrific value (and sound). The stupidest goodest gear for the money in my setup by far.