How do tube manufacturers like VAC get 55 watts per KT88 where others get only 30-35?

Just wondering how some push pull tube manufacturers like VAC and others get 55 watts per KT88 tube while others are more in the range of 35? Does driving a tube hard like this have any ramifications as to distortion, sound, headroom and tube life? I know VAC amps are highly musical so design, power supply and output transformers obviously contribute much to overall sonics. A company like Zesto gets about 25 watts per KT88 but uses a class A push pull circuit rather than class AB.  This seems like an attractive design.
I guess, as always, it's all in the implementation. Thank you for helping me to better understand.


I can say that both of these amps represent good examples of high quality push pull tube design. The VAC has the well earned high status allure. I've heard the less known Zesto Bia amp and thought it was exceptionally good sounding.


normie what speakers are you going to be driving? I assumed your question was more theoretical but looks like you're in the market for a new amp. So the more info you can share about your system the better.
Thanks Charles and jond:  I will be driving KEF Ref 3 loudspeakers. My preamplifier is VAC Ren 5 and my room is very modest at 14 x 16 ft.  I'm tempted to go Zesto Bia 120, albeit less power, as class A and running tubes conservatively sounds enticing.  However I know VAC is synonymous with great sound. I owned a VAC Phi 70 a decade ago but that was a much different 300B beast.  Both the VAC Signature 200 IQ and Zesto Bia 120 have transformer coupled balanced inputs.  Thanks!

@normie57, I heard Kevin announced a VAC Ren 5 SE upgrade.  If anything like my SigMKIIa SE upgrade, Jump at it now!!!  Call Kevin ASAP!!! ... (Sorry, ebm took my keyboard).   Improvements are staggering in all areas.

I highly recommend the VAC Sig 200 IQ.   It's probably one of the most owner friendly tube amps.  Auto bias, if power tube arc, IQ trips and just replace the tube.   You can roll KT88, KT120 or KT150 if need more power or linear sound.   For even more power, buy a 2nd run in mono.   But most importantly is VAC SQ has improved, more transparency, lower noise ...

Now that's REAL creative and outside-the-box thinking!  Not just a bunch of Blab Blab ... look at me, I'm the best ... hot air.
Thanks knghifi!
I appreciate your recommendations on the the Sig 200 IQ and the Ren V SE upgrade.
You are so right. VAC is a proven winner for two decades and Kevin is great to work with!  Why stray?