Best full range loudspeaker for the used price of 10 to 13,000 dollars

I've been very happy with my Reference 3A Grand Veenas for quite a few years now,what did I like about them?
Well first off they are a critically acclaimed product not an unknown
Secondly I thought the parts matched the price I agreed with the value
Third they sounded like I'd read they would ,and just as they looked like they would .Full range, disappeared completely,easy to understand midrange and easy to drive.
I'm ready to take a step forward now,these will be set up in my main living space(no wife)so they must be valuable. I would like a beautiful sonic asset to live with,Dazzle me!
Well I first, do love the addition of the REL S2 .After listening to all of your suggestions I'm going to listen to the Harbeth 40.2,Acoustic Zen Crescendos,Revel Salons.But I have to say that Imaging and voices are where I need the strengths of the final design to be.Mind you these  are exactly the characteristics of the Reference 3A Grand Veenas.Like I said I'm in NewYork for the next few months.I will keep you all posted.

You may need to listen to some single driver designs, like Omega, Ohm, etc. to gain that same mid-range purity.

After all, that is one of the keys to the purity of the mid-range in the Grand Veenas. The fact that the mid-range driver is run full out, with no crossover to interfere with the sound.
There are other drivers added to articulate the highs and lows, and they are rolled out, but the mid-range driver is ran wide open.
That is what makes the Grand Veenas so hard to beat.
I would second the recommendation to consider the Proac D48R.  I auditioned these extensively just a few months ago.  Ultimately I chose the Vandersteen Quatro CT (which I would also recommend you consider).  I have always enjoyed the Proac sound and the D48 with the ribbon tweeter is one of the best I have heard.
Having heard many at AXPONA this past weekend. The Salks were a great sound as well as the TAD and the new Dynaudio

. They had a pair of ESL from Serbia that were damn near liquid too..

 Its system synergy that pays the piper.. We all have heard speakers that sound great one place and bad another.. Room to room the Magico and YG sounded great to average .. Its set up and pairing ancillary gear