Amp current - how much high current to go for

Hi All,

        Some of you may remember me from a while back talking about my NuPrime IDA-8.   After three months of break in and a fat ass Silnote power cord it's significantly better but still not where I need it to be to drive my pair of Kudos C2.   I think it's time to move on to a better high current amp.  My question is, how much current do I need to go for.  For example, I've been eyeing

Parasound Halo Integrated - 45 amperes max

NAD M3 - 50 amperes max

Parasound Halo A21 - 60 amperes max

B&K EX-440 (vintage) - 70 amperes max

Mark Levinson No331 - ? amp max

Thank you ahead for the education.

P.S.  I missed out on a deal with Cullen's Cable or else would've got with Patrick instead of Silnote.  Patrick is really a nice guy, highly recommend talking to him if anyone is interested in a power cable.


I just looked at the website for your speaker and it is specified as 88db and an 8 ohm load which the manufacturer states to be an "easy load that will work well with a variety of tubed and solid state amps".  Your quest for a high current amp is not really necessary.

What did you not like when powered by the Nuprime?  I would suggest trying several amps in your price range, tube and solid state to find what you like.   

I’ll second the comment by Rhljazz. Also, this thread will be of interest. It explains why the current specifications that are often provided by amplifier manufacturers are misleading and worthless.

And to provide some perspective, 1000 watts into 8 ohms, which would undoubtedly be enough power to blow those speakers to smithereens, corresponds to about 11 amps!

Good luck in your search. Regards,
-- Al

I must agree with the two wise posts above. Your speakers don’t present a difficult load for most amplifiers. Determine what type of sound character moves you and connects you to the music that you enjoy. It may possibly take some time but should result in long term satisfaction. Don’t fixate on isolated specifications like current.
Good luck,
I heard the Kudos C2s driven by a Mystere (sp?) tube integrated amp, a 35 wpc amp I believe. That combination sounded wonderful to me. 
Thanks all for your thoughts.  I bought the Kudos C2 based on my listening experience of the X2.  In between I did live with a B&W 805N for six weeks before i had to give it up due to woofer distortion.  Maybe I simply got too used to the B&W sound characteristics.