VAC 30/70...pick your pre?

Considering a pair of VAC 30/70’s however concerned a bit about matching the Pre well; on the other hand, can’t spend another 5-6k on a line stage right now. Thoughts? Recs? Get a better integrated instead for now?  Ideas about Line Magnetic 219 vs. Allnic T2000; pushing Wharfedale Jade 5's (87db 6ohm)

I recently purchased a pair of 30/70's and have it paired with an Aesthetix Calypso Signature.   Over the last 9 years or so, I've used either the standard Calypso or my current Calypso Signature with four different VAC amps:  30/30, 70/70 Signature, Phi 200 and my current 30/70's.  So I'm pretty comfortable in recommending Aesthetix with VAC Renaisance amps.  If you choose to go this route, I recommend you go the extra mile and use good low noise, matched NOS tubes in the preamp.    Brent Jessee Supply and Vintage Tube Services are good sources for good tubes.

You have good options available to you.  
The Line Magnetic 219ia or their 508ia would be very fine choices. 
If you go with the VAC 300b amplifier I'd look into the Linear Tube Audio MZ2 preamplifier and the Don Sachs preamplifier.  Either route will result in excellent sound quality in my opinion. 
You do not say what your budget would be for a preamp.

You can find used VAC preamps for much less than $5-6K.
A VAC Standard LE usually goes for around $2K-$2.5K,
A VAC Renaissance Mk I or II could probably be had for $3K- $4.5K used.