Clarity Cap CMR Impressions

Wondering if anyone has updated their passive crossover with the Clarity Cap CMR.
I'd like to hear how they compare to the MR and comparable competition. I saw some threads on the MR but not these.

Funny Erik. I agree with you on the importance of caps in a speaker especially on the midrange and tweeter. I find the paper in oil/wax types with copper or aluminum foil sound best in terms of sounding more like the instrument. I have liked Mundorf in the past, but must say the Jupiter and Duelund caps seem to sound more real. There are others, but I have not tried them all. 
Hi @grannyring


I meant to say "The most expensive speakers in the Magico and B&W lines rely heavily on Mundorf Supreme's for their sound quality."


you write: " Very smooth, glass like quality to mid and top octaves, but there’s also a scintillation or over-saturation of colors in the mid to top. It’s not unpleasant, but it’s NOT natural. Real sounds and instruments don’t sound like this"
What caps you are referring to ?
Very smooth, glass like quality to mid and top octaves, but there’s also a scintillation or over-saturation of colors in the mid to top. It’s not unpleasant, but it’s NOT natural. Real sounds and instruments don’t sound like this"

This is the Mundorf Supreme line.

That is up to you. Magico and B&W are big fans. I don’t think people realize at the top end of these ranges how much you are listening to the caps instead of the speaker drivers. It’s a big deal.

This is also about Mundorf Supreme