Just bought a 55" plasma...

It will be installed tomorrow. To say I'm excited would be a grossly understating it. Hope there's no screw ups with the installation. Since it's being mounted on the wall God only knows where the studs are located!

TV in HD... here I come! :-)
ENJOY, and there are many stud finders on the market, so don't worry about mounting.
I saw an ad in a 'Vegas paper on Thursday.
The ad was for a factory rep demo of the new Toshiba HD-DVD player (pre-order at $499.00 -yipee).
These appear to be right around the corner.
If your new plasma doesn't do at least 1080i and have HDMI connection, I'd reconsider the purchase.
Not trying to rain on your parade Audiogon friend...

Those stud finders never work for me.... as soon as I pick them up they go off and don't shut up until I walk away!!!
Forget the studs being where you want them...

When I mounted mine, I bolted a 2.5' x 2.5' sheet of 3/4" plywood to the wall painted wall white. I pre-measured and sunk T-nuts into the plywood for the plasma bracket... With the plasma on the wall, the plywood in unnoticeable, and the screen in centered on my wall...