High mass vs Low Mass Turntables - Sound difference?

As I am recently back playing with analog gear after some 15 years away, I thought I would ask the long time experts here about the two major camps of record players -- high vs low mass-loaded-type tables...

For example, an equivalently priced VPI table (say a Classic, Aries or Prime) versus a Rega RP8/10 or equivalent Funk Firm table...  the design philosophies are so different ... one built like a tank, the other like a lightweight sports car...

Just wondering if the folks here have had direct experience with such or similar tables, and what have been your experiences and sense of strengths and weaknesses of these two different types of tables.

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Yes, meat.  Highly underrated, lol.  I think at some point value becomes the determining factor for many. Spending 3-5k on chipboard, plastic and glass seems a stretch when compared to mass design approaches. 

I'm hungry now!  High mass tables certainly do a better job of tenderizing.  Think I'll rip that porterhouse from under the table and fire up the grill 

My experience suggests that the pragmatic intelligence used in the implementation of Any design paradigm is far more important than the paradigm itself.

Further, I have learned that only the results matter when it comes to listening. And that there is more than one way to improve the perceived performance of one's listening system, for which it is possible to substitute 'turntable' for this discussion thread.

Having said that, I presently use a moderately high mass (22 lbs, 10 kilos) platter (whose mass is augmented by a platter mat far heavier than the manufacturer's rubber unit), making the platter heavier still.

Along with the heavy revolving mass of the platter, I selected a Low mass, long format (12") tonearm.

To hold these in relation to each other, I chose a high mass, constrained layer damping plinth which provides no suspension for the table or tonearm.

Underneath both I placed a mass-loaded isolation device, and between the plinth and the isolation platform I am experimenting with a variety of isolation or vibration damping materials.

What matters is the impression of music these components are able to produce as they are combined (and recombined) to reveal what is in the grooves.

What's of equal importance, is that I have heard turntables with other approaches that sound outstanding.

I am convinced there is more than one approach to drawing fine, satisfying, engaging and musical results from a turntable. I believe there to be numerous approaches --at many price points-- that can, with attentive implementation, come very close to this aim.

And then there is the matter of personal preference to consider....
I have compared my Michell gyro with Rega tonearm with my Maplenoll Ariadne Reference and my Maplenoll Apollo using the same cartridge (ZXY Airy 3s) before i gave the gyro to my daughter. please note, lots of differences besides the "mass" but the biggest impact i saw was the bass response is just better(deeper, cleaner) with the Maplenoll tables. I am sure there are other differences in sound quality that i could spout out like background darker/quieter or soundstage, but moving from my original Dual 701, Denon, and Michell gyro, to the heavier mass Maplenoll line, the bass is what stands out the most when using the same cartridge.