Acurus Act 3 vs Lexicon Processor

Looking for a processor for HT only that I will pass through my preamp into my cary cinema 5 amp. Want 0 noise. Would like to spend $500 or less so the above fit nicely. Opinions?
Did you do any listening comparison's of the MC-8 versus other Prepro options before you purchased it?

I did indeed. As I mentioned, I owned a Rotel RSP-1068 prior to the Lex (and a Rotel RSX-1055 receiver prior to that). The Lex is quieter and less clinical. I also compared to an Arcam processor (AV-8 I think it was). The Arcam sounded nice, but it was a bit closed-in sounding at frequency extremes. There was a touch of graininess via the analog passthrough.

I did an in-store comparison between the Lex and a Classe processor, and found the sound to be very similar in the demo system, but the Lex was easier to work with despite the LCD display on the Classe. In addition, the Lex is easily upgradeable.

I tried the Linn Unidisk SC, which I really wanted to like because it has nearly everything in it that I was looking for, but I found it to be lean and forward-sounding in my setup, and had no 7.1 capability.

I also tried a Meridian processor, but it was pretty much useless without other Meridian components in the stack - seemed to me that an all-Meridian system is pretty much of a necessity.
Dawgbyte, my credibility is very much intact, thank you. The statement-"Lexicon's RV-8 is a literal monument to home theater receiver performance and functionality.", is NOT A GLOWING REVIEW OF SONIC EXCELLENCE!...this should be obvious! Also, this is a RECEIVER REVIEW, not a pre/pro!!
Also the review statement-"using the Lexicon RV-8, it was transformed from a pleasant-sounding system to one that stepped up to ALMOST top-shelf performance", is also NOT A GLOWING REVIEW OF SONIC EXCELLENCE!!! Sorry once again.
please feel free to tell me where this ad puts any Lexicon pre on the same rung as high quality audiophile refined separates? I'm lost with your response here
flrnlamb, it would be nice if we got to decide our own credibility. That decision actually belongs to others, and I think in this case Dawgbyte had it right. As Rex also pointed out, there are many, many reviews posted. I'm sure that in your own mind you can rationalize all of them away though.

It just sounds like from your postings that someone at Lexicon ate your Fruit Loops!

All I did was ask about two processor and the half the messages are confrontation. I appreciate your views and opinions. Now let it go.
Dawgbyte, I'm confused by your contradition in stances on the sonic merits of audio gear, in direct comparison to professional audio mag reviews. In another post earlier you stated that Revel Studio's/Salon's are "Bright, and you find them sonically harsh, colored(?), and fatiguing, etc. And yet EVERY PROFESSIONAL REVIEW on these states that these specific speakers are simply ultra high end, even "Stereophile Class A rated" designs, the anti-thesis of your claims.
On this post(Act3 Vs. Lecicon),where you claimed the lexicon's sonic merits were directly in line with all the "glowing reviews", you said my credibility was surely shot, in that I CONTRADICTED the magazine's reviews, of which you gave me some references(I felt they said nothing personally).
So how do you respond to the fact ( has all the mag reviews on Revles) that Revel Studio's/Salon's are obviously reviewed by the highest end mags/reviewers as simply wonderful, even world class passive speakers,(I've heard the Revels, and they're are nothing you're stating, they're very transparant and refined actually.) when you're stating credibility issues with others who contradict what you feel are great reviews of other products? This does seem somewhat hypocricial. Surely you must concure. Your clarificiation here would be appreciated.