Acurus Act 3 vs Lexicon Processor

Looking for a processor for HT only that I will pass through my preamp into my cary cinema 5 amp. Want 0 noise. Would like to spend $500 or less so the above fit nicely. Opinions?
flrnlamb, it would be nice if we got to decide our own credibility. That decision actually belongs to others, and I think in this case Dawgbyte had it right. As Rex also pointed out, there are many, many reviews posted. I'm sure that in your own mind you can rationalize all of them away though.

It just sounds like from your postings that someone at Lexicon ate your Fruit Loops!

All I did was ask about two processor and the half the messages are confrontation. I appreciate your views and opinions. Now let it go.
Dawgbyte, I'm confused by your contradition in stances on the sonic merits of audio gear, in direct comparison to professional audio mag reviews. In another post earlier you stated that Revel Studio's/Salon's are "Bright, and you find them sonically harsh, colored(?), and fatiguing, etc. And yet EVERY PROFESSIONAL REVIEW on these states that these specific speakers are simply ultra high end, even "Stereophile Class A rated" designs, the anti-thesis of your claims.
On this post(Act3 Vs. Lecicon),where you claimed the lexicon's sonic merits were directly in line with all the "glowing reviews", you said my credibility was surely shot, in that I CONTRADICTED the magazine's reviews, of which you gave me some references(I felt they said nothing personally).
So how do you respond to the fact ( has all the mag reviews on Revles) that Revel Studio's/Salon's are obviously reviewed by the highest end mags/reviewers as simply wonderful, even world class passive speakers,(I've heard the Revels, and they're are nothing you're stating, they're very transparant and refined actually.) when you're stating credibility issues with others who contradict what you feel are great reviews of other products? This does seem somewhat hypocricial. Surely you must concure. Your clarificiation here would be appreciated.
Acutally Jamesw20, I AM pointing all this towards the actual sonic Merits of the Lexicon vs others!(in this case, the Acurus). If anything, my friendly jousting with Dawgbyte and Rex simply helps state my possition, to clarify what the Lexicon actually sounds like.
For instance, Dawgbyte CLEARLY states that Revel Studio's/Salon's are bright, fatiguing, harsh, and colored. And yet, Lexicon's are world class processors sonically. This would raise some credibility questions to anyone following allong, if you ask me.
The entire audio world rates Revel Studio's/Salon's either at or near Stereophile Class A Rated! The same here feel that Lexicon is the pinacle of high end sound reproduction. You do the math. I think this should help clarify the REAL sound quality that's coming from the Lexicion, in dirrect corelation to the tastes of those endorsing them here. Again, the most outspoke advocated of Lexicon pre's here thinks Class A rated Revel speakers sound lousy...?!
Flrnlamb, I agree with your assessment of the ACT3, as I really enjoyed mine, especially the price. Have never heard a Lexicon, so don't want to jump into that fight. However, I would like to know where you got the 7.1 passthrough mod on your act3, as I would buy one in a second. I sold mine because it didn't have dvd-a/sacd capability. Also, I'd jump on a Rotel 1068 at the price you quoted.