Hey guys, thanks for keeping the conversation rolling!!! As I mentioned, I really appreciate your input as I am getting exposed to a lot of information and you guys are forcing me to really think through and define my objectives…
+2 toddverrone regarding the headphones...I appreciate the suggestion David_ten but headphones are not the route I want to go
Now, regarding monitors....
- I hear you guys on the size of the room and monitors being a logical fit.. I have looked into a couple and by the time you get the speakers and do something about stands we are right back into the same monetary ball park as towers…
- I know there are some amazing monitors out there but my preference is to have at least 3 different drivers to allow each one to focus more specifically on a particular frequency range, thus, I prefer towers (other reasons as well but I’m trying to work on that succinct thing…)
- Having said all that, I will go out and audition some monitors just to make sure I am not missing something (I asked for suggestions so who am I to thumb my nose when they come???
So, knowing I want to stick with towers, Let’s get it on the table I am not married to the DIs by any means... I have had suggestions for XTZ and Zu Audio come my way and am in the process of looking into them..
So I guess these are my parameters:
- Towers with at least 3 drivers
- Big tower sound quality in a little room (11x9 give or take…) I feel safe saying this is a key component of what I am looking for…
- 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 is an option
Here’s my thought process on Tekton:
(DIs, $3k, Electrons $2750, Enzo 2.7 $2k, not really interested in other models)
DIs vs Electrons: Why give up the higher performing specs to save $250 and maybe/maybe not need a sub?
DIs vs Enzo 2.7: Enzo is only rated to 40hz so most likely need sub.. add on $800 and we’re right back up to nearly $3k… that’s assuming a sub is necessary.. If not, we have a logical option here…
So as far as Tekton is concerned, it’s pretty much the DIs or bust (with the Enzo 2.7 no sub option noted).. I even looked up the monitors and at $2k + sub that gets right back into the same mess…
I did like the sound of the SVS Ultras ($2k) but as I mentioned somewhere, I couldn’t determine if a sub would/wouldn’t be helpful as the room I auditioned them in was pretty crummy for low frequencies… the SVS subs were pretty much invisible…
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