Any one going to the new LA Audio show at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel

This will be my 4th audio show. Been to the Newport Show 3 years in a row. Had a great time each time i went.  They moved that show to later in the year and moved the location close to Disneyland. Did not want to have  the tourist crowd in the way for the audio show. Hoping the LA show will provide as good or better show. 
Any one else going to the LA show?

I was once in LA and never will return again. Nothing there to see for me at all.

Filthy, old, neglected, unmanaged, unattractive, repulsive, depressive and beat up city (still feeling of  that post-WW2 debris) and half-way down or more destructed buildings.

Just for audio-show -- I'll definitely pass.

I am going to the LA Audio Show and I am confident it will be fabulous. Every exhibit room is booked and the scheduled live music show Friday night ( The BBB big band) will be making some hard swinging 16 piece big band music. Lots of LA "A" list musicians in this group.
It will be a great weekend!

David Pritchard
My spouse and I had enjoyed all prior THE Shows.  Our favorite was the Hotel Irvine venue.  We may miss the LAAS.