Multi channel preamps

Any recomendations for multi channel preamps?
Audio Refinement Pre5 (no longer in production) is basically what I'm talking about. Just a preamp with 5.1 in/out. Parasound had a prototype of a similar product that never made it to production.

Minimalist surround sound.

Thanks for any and all responses!
the EMM Labs Switchman Mk3 is wonderful and it's exactly that - a 6-channel preamp with no processing at all. it's easy to adjust levels and channel trims. and it sounds as good as any 2-channel pre i've ever heard.
That Switchman looks awesome.
That is it.

Have you listened to it?


Since you didn't mention price, my favorite MCH analog pre-amp is the Bel Canto Pre6. It sounds great and is remarkably flexible.
I preferred the BelCanto to the McCormack so the BC is in the big system while the McC is in the small system.
