Multi channel preamps

Any recomendations for multi channel preamps?
Audio Refinement Pre5 (no longer in production) is basically what I'm talking about. Just a preamp with 5.1 in/out. Parasound had a prototype of a similar product that never made it to production.

Minimalist surround sound.

Thanks for any and all responses!
I preferred the BelCanto to the McCormack so the BC is in the big system while the McC is in the small system.

Does Audio Research still make their 6 channel pre? Also, did'nt CJ just ome out with one?

Cmo wrote: "Does Audio Research still make their 6 channel pre? Also, did'nt CJ just ome out with one?"
Yes, on both counts.


Have you heard either of these? If so, how do they stack up to the Bel Canto?
