honestly, "that day" has not come yet with the Spash. The two Duelund ICs sound fuller, more warm in my system and with just as much liveliness. Dealing with a little hardness/harshness with the Splash in combination with the Duelund. I have the silver version of the Splash. I listen to a lot of pop/rock and am sensitive to harsh sound. Unfortunately, a lot of my favorite music is not the best recordings and I use hot tracks (like the Replacements Let it Be Album) to test ICs and other gear to see how they handle it. When a singers voice hurts my ears and makes me want to leave the room I know the IC or whatever gear or cables is not the right fit. A lot of gear and cables can sound outstanding on the good recordings, so I don't use those to test with. Anyway, I am hoping things smooth out by adding another Teo to the chain. By tonight, I should have around 200 hours on the Splash, but I actually haven't heard system my since the 125 hour mark.