Yes, and they are the industries top designers, nothing will change until that dreaded switching frequency is taken up much higher. So then the output filter can do it’s job properly without any effects down into the audio band.It’s not just the switching frequency, but a combination of that..and some other potent problems. Some things can be done to fix it and I have my ideas on how to tackle these critical ’other’ problems. The solutions are all valid on paper, but the real world may say different. I have successfully dealt with these problems in other arenas of design, so the knowledge should be transferable. We shall see. That, is, if I ever manage to get to the point where I can spend time fooling with these Class D problems again. Too busy cranking cables out the door right now.
Technics is leading the way with the SE-R1 with twice as high switching frequency, but it’s not mainstream yet, and really should be even higher, one can only hope.
Cheers George
I tried to do it on my own re existing modules (retrofit), but (un)said company wanted no part of it, unless it is in their domain - so I declined.