Class D = Trash?

So, I'm on my second class D amp. The first one, a Teac AI-301DA which claimed to use an ICE module, was unlistenable trash. I burned it in for a few weeks, it just couldn't perform, so I sent it back. Following that, I tried the new Emotiva A-300 (class A/B). It was significantly better, but lacking in too many ways for my tastes. So I changed gears, got an 845 SET from China -- and it was an immediate and massive improvement.

So, before I went further down the SET road, I wanted to try a better class D product using a modern class D module. I settled on the D-Sonic M3-800S with the Pascal module and custom input stage. I read from reviews that these things like to have big cables, so I picked up an eBay 8 gauge power cable (Maze Audio, el-cheapo Oyaide copy plugs, braided 4-wire cable) to go along with it.

Mid-range GONE.
Soundstage depth CRUSHED.

Yes, resolution went up. Driver control went up, allowing me to play compressed rock/pop and orchestra with the speakers being able to render it all. But enjoyment in the sound is basically gone. Using my best power cable (LessLoss Original) improved performance, but didn't fundamentally change the amp's nature. I ran back to my headphones (Focal Utopias) to detox my ear canals.

So, how long does a class D need to burn-in? I want to give it a fair shake before writing the technology off forever. 
I have a pioneer sc68 which has class D amplifier. I have it hooked to KET 205/2. The sound is just beautiful. Just clean sound with details about all the different instruments in the music. Steve Wonder ribbon in the sky feels like he is singing in the living room :)
Also I am not sure what warm up period of 1000 hours mean.. It does not make any sense to me as I read these posts. The speakers need warm up period because they are mechanically moving parts that need to settle or get flexible.  If electronics change behavior that much with time.. that's scary to me from a Computer engineer perspective.
The 1000 hours is urban legend with no basis in science or audible difference to a golden ear.
The 1000 hours is urban legend with no basis in science or audible difference to a golden ear.
  Also I am not sure what warm up period of 1000 hours mean.. It does not make any sense to me as I read these posts. The speakers need warm up period because they are mechanically moving parts that need to settle or get flexible.  If electronics change behavior that much with time.. that's scary to me from a Computer engineer perspective.

+1 sfseay and msalha, this is just a lot of Class-D paranoia rubbish, it’s said just to calm owners down that don’t like it from the get go, to eventually take it on the chin and live with it.

Cheers George
yes, the 1000 hrs is a total red herring. I’m embarrassed to hear it being uttered.

If, in your familiar home don’t hear some fundamental qualities that you like, and enjoy (IE, emotionally!! not cerebrally!! vital point!!), then it is simply not working.

Music is about your balls, your butt, your body, your heart, your breath of life.

not your brain.

You can analyze all you want, but it must get your butt swinging.

Otherwise it should go in the trashcan.


It’s about the endorphins. For with them on the fly and in-situ, you actually experience positive neural growth and change. You become more intelligent and become a better listener, a more accomplished listener with greater aural discernment skills. Every listening session you get really mentally/physically ’high’ on, you literally become more capable, and more intelligent.

Mo’ wired for mo’ better. The brain is plastic and the body’s ’positive engagement function’ (endorphin highs, pleasure, enjoyment, etc) is literally what enables the plasticity ----- to become something new.

If the sound does not move you, then get rid of it. Yesterday.
teo audio,

I haven’t heard the affects of music described like that before but I liked it.

Well said!

Thank you,