I have a blown driver and I'm not sure what to do

I have a set of Paradigm Speakers that make up my 7.1 set-up.  I had blown driver in one of the ADP 590s I'm using for a side speaker and replaced a driver in it ($300) 

I hear distortion in the other ADP and I'm pretty sure it's ANOTHER blown driver.  The price of the driver has gone up to $500.....same exact part.

Part ID # 2030800007 

I don't know that it's worth it....

Any thoughts?

You are driving a lot of speakers with that amp and up to a certain volume level, you should be ok. You might have crossed that line and as peterr53 suggested, over drove the speakers. A distorted source could have contributed to the problem also. When driving multiple speakers you need high power and high current for high gain. I don't think your amp is up to the task, especially if you like it loud and have a large room.

When I hear Denon AVRXXX, I freak out. They're unpredictable, unmanageable, and unserviceable and may reveal LOTS of intermittent problems.

They throw an array of intermittent problems within the time of usage and do not match specified parameters. As previous posters noted, use this AVR only at moderate to low volume levels and do not try to reach IMAX SPL. Also make sure that your speakers do NOT go bellow 6Ohms (which isn't probably the case with your paradigms, but who knows...) or your AVR will be history shortly after blown woofers. The output amp modules are not designed to drive heavy speakers even if specified parameters are showing contrary.

any recommendations for an amp?

The place I bought the speakers suggested that amp, and I had several other friends speak so highly of it.  I'm really surprised...


Are you willing to go separates or just replace receiver?

I like Carver/Sunfire amplification and would aim for either receiver similar to Cinema Grand or Ultimate Receiver or TGA/TGP combination.

Sell your Denon till it has warranty and value, because they turn to $50 scrap junk very fast. TGA/TGP will always hold value with minimal depreciation.

When you say separate, do you mean drive the mains with one amp and the others with another?

I'm open to suggestions....I hardly use this anymore, except to watch movies. 

I would probably move the Denon to another room with cheaper speakers and look for a one amp solution, unless you have a strong recommendation.  

I could also use another amp for the mains and use the Denon just for the surrounds?
