I admit, I fell for a scammer from Thailand, even though I was warned. It just was that it took forever to sell my Stealth cables at a give away price. These cables are awesome, but evidently not popular in the USA. I refused to send the cables to the buyer because he wanted me to declare the value at $30 USD for custom fees. So he had me direct the shipment to his friend in SoCal. Now, after UPS (and I insured the cables for $4,000 to save on shipping-my fault) delivered the package, the buyer says his friend did not sign and receive the cables! Just be aware A-Gon members, and don't be foolish like me.
Why is rather obvious , one of the many places with few laws on fraud et al and you have no access to them in any event . 
Do laws make a country free of fraud? What about countries with lots of fraud laws on the books that are still rampant with fraud? In any case, how would a law on fraud protect you from a dishonest audio seller -- in any country? What are you going to do? Take them to court?

With all the laws on fraud in the US, I have been ripped off more times by Americans than by any others. I think we can all come up with a few instances of obvious fraud in the public sector to debunk the notion that laws on fraud protect anyone -- in any area of life.

Regarding audio, the contrary also applies. Just because a country has inadequate fraud protection does not mean that an audio transaction will automatically go bad. I have done lots of audio business with Thailand without a single problem. In the end, it is the individual who makes a transaction go right or wrong, not the law. 
+1 Sabai This reminds me of the nonsensical comments people make about not buying gear from certain countries because they had a bad experience therefore everything made there must be junk. 

Blanket statements are completley ignorant.

I agree with you completely. I have lived in 9 countries and now reside abroad. There are bad and good people everywhere. Country of origin is a predictor of nothing at all -- except racism on the part of those who want make one country look bad -- or worse than others.
If you had bothered to read books on Asian culture you’d know that merchants in many cultures lose face with peers if he does not screw the customer.
People have the same basic needs everywhere but cultures meet them in different ways .
Goes WITHOUT saying there are good and bad everywhere .
There ARE good countries and there are bad countries , a person is not a country .
Best countries I have lived in are Finland, Germany, Canada and Japan .Of course 
racism is evil , also rampant in American culture , odds are a white man from Alabama
is more likely to hold racist views than a white man from Norway .
Odds, not a given .