Best "RedBook" player out there

I'm looking for a new or used cd player that plays just regular red book cd's(maybe hdcd).No sacd's/dvds.My budget is under $3000.00.I'm have a Sonic Frontiers cd-1 that i'm currently using.I'm looking for something with a anolog sound and a large soundstage.Any suggestions?
See the thread I started on audioasylum.

For a 1 box, I'd try an ARC CD3, Mk I for $2200-2400, or Mk2 for around $3k.

I ended up with an ARC DAC3 + Levinson 31 transport. I paid less than $2500, and its amazing. Its miles ahead of what I've used in the past 2 years. Here's my history:

Started with a Naim CD5 + flatcap2 about 4 years ago. 2yrs ago, it was replaced by a Rega Planet 2000. I found the Naim too bright and tiring, tho the bass was nice. Last year, I picked up a Pioneer 563 on a'gon ($250!), that had been modded by Underwood Hifi.

This clearly was significantly better than both the Naim and the Rega. Both were sold a few months ago.

The ARC DAC3 was then used with the Pioneer as a transport. Better than the Pioneer/underwood. Very analog like, with a big soundstage. Tube rolling the ARC took it to a new level too.

But, with the arrival of the ML 31 transport, I'm done playing with the stereo!

An ARC CD3 is supposed to make a great transport too, and I almost bought that till I found the ML31. So, another route is to get an ARC CD3 Mk 1, and wait till you find a great DAC to go with it.

Or get a previously modded unit thats been used, where someone else had taken the depreciation for the mods. Maybe a Denon or Sony.
Look no further!  Dynastation Dynavox 2.  You will Not Be Disappointed!! 

Another option: Get a Bluesound Vault 2. You can rip ALL your cds to FLAC files. Also have the ability to stream hirez files. I think Tidal, Spotify and other sites will be offering better and better digital sound files such as MQA. With this option you can also keep upgrading the external DAC in the future. This way you can have all your cds stored as FLAC files AND have many more musical playback options.....