Best "RedBook" player out there

I'm looking for a new or used cd player that plays just regular red book cd's(maybe hdcd).No sacd's/dvds.My budget is under $3000.00.I'm have a Sonic Frontiers cd-1 that i'm currently using.I'm looking for something with a anolog sound and a large soundstage.Any suggestions?
Though they're a bit hard to come by I would recommend my Tube Technology Fusion CD64. It's a great Redbook only player that marries the same dac used in Chord's famed DAC64 to a discrete tubed analog output stage with a pair of 6922's. It's a steal for $4K new, if you can find one used jump on it!
See the thread I started on audioasylum.

For a 1 box, I'd try an ARC CD3, Mk I for $2200-2400, or Mk2 for around $3k.

I ended up with an ARC DAC3 + Levinson 31 transport. I paid less than $2500, and its amazing. Its miles ahead of what I've used in the past 2 years. Here's my history:

Started with a Naim CD5 + flatcap2 about 4 years ago. 2yrs ago, it was replaced by a Rega Planet 2000. I found the Naim too bright and tiring, tho the bass was nice. Last year, I picked up a Pioneer 563 on a'gon ($250!), that had been modded by Underwood Hifi.

This clearly was significantly better than both the Naim and the Rega. Both were sold a few months ago.

The ARC DAC3 was then used with the Pioneer as a transport. Better than the Pioneer/underwood. Very analog like, with a big soundstage. Tube rolling the ARC took it to a new level too.

But, with the arrival of the ML 31 transport, I'm done playing with the stereo!

An ARC CD3 is supposed to make a great transport too, and I almost bought that till I found the ML31. So, another route is to get an ARC CD3 Mk 1, and wait till you find a great DAC to go with it.

Or get a previously modded unit thats been used, where someone else had taken the depreciation for the mods. Maybe a Denon or Sony.