To hiici, I have gone that cheap speaker cable route. Actually I bought a pair of speaker cables on e-bay for $65.00 for a 10 ft pair about 3 years ago. i was amazed how well they were made. I liked them at first but after about 50 hours, they began to sound harsh and very bright. I traded them in with a Rega table to The Music Room for something, I can't remember
****** HOWEVER, Has anyone listened to or own a pair of Tellurium Q Black speaker cable. I have seen them mentioned on Audiogon a few times. They sell online for $495.00 for a 3 meter pair. There are a few reviews around: Hi-Fi Pig and Audio Chews. Not exactly main stream journals, but each review honestly claimed the Tellurium may enhanced what you already hearing, nothing spectacular, but both claimed excellent musicality and detail without edge.. Any feedback would be great. Cheers to all. S.J.