Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
Back again for some thoughts on the EQ in the 5000 driver. If anyone would see the amount of wires (very thin wires) and switches with amazingly thin gauge jumpers between the switching network
and the x-over electronics, they would question the need for anything bigger than zip chord from amp to speaker. 

Here's an image of the switcher innards, the small metal bridge is actually the switch. Not big enough to properly feed the signal un-interrupted. With my design all the drivers will be fed the signal directly from the amp.....should be amazing.

More very soon.......🇸🇪

Wire gauge only matters over longer distances and more so when high current is needed as well I believe.

High quality amps and other hifi gear are chock full of wiring and electronics like this and sound great as do my OHM 5s. My Ohm 100s do not have this circuitry. If there is a negative difference in sound its beyond anything I can hear. The 5/5000 level adjustment circuits make placement in a variety of rooms much easier and result in better net sound as a result.

Of course, if one does not need that kind of adjustments and flexibility for their application, I would not pay for it nor apply it. Either way works out fine. Its a small issue if one at all on the grand scale of audio sound quality issues.
 More wires, resistors, or other circuitry in front of the drivers will add or change
the signal integrity in a negative way. I'm not saying it doesn't sound good in many 
circumstances (like many Ohm speakers) but it could sound better with more micro
details, faster response, better imaging and overal more air in the presentation.

More tomorrow.......🇸🇪

Not worth debating because we all know measurable facts are not needed in high end audio to back up assertions. But it does cast the proven design decisions of others in a negative light.  Each may have their own unique design goals.  Your's suit you.   A business must have the collective goals of their customers in mind. 
"A business must have the collective goals of their customers in mind. "
And, their bottom line.