Skin Orgasms caused by music .

Who else has had this very interesting phenom ?

Thank ,

RG in Audiophile Hell !
skin orgasm. I feel dirty after  seeing  those two words put together.
Im taking a shower.

If this was not a regular occurrence, then why bother with music?

Oka gets ya high!

("Now listen and get high")

If this does not happen to you, then you’re doing it wrong. Wrong equipment, wrong direction, wrong mental emphasis, wrong understanding of what is going on and why it is done.. No fun = why bother. There would be no point. :)

Recent works show that music goes through the same part of the lizard brain as sex.

digital and class d artifacts prevent this from happening, for the most part. It causes a cerebral emphasis, which for music, is just plain wrong. Fixing these artifacts at the 0.0xx% level of distortion that they occur at, is everything. The whole freaking enchilada. Same for materials induced distortions.

This is tied to how the ear works ------ and has ~zero~ to do with accepted and normed methods of electrical/audio engineering distortion weighting and analysis. The ear does not use engineering methods of weighting in distortion analysis. That counter argument shows a lack of understanding of what the ear does with signal.

If the particular combination of audio devices is not causing your toes to curl, then GET RID OF IT.