Time to sell my dvd collection?

With HD DVD just getting of it's feet and Blu-Ray coming soon is now a good time to sell my 250-300 dvds? I would like to do it before they become obsolete and lose more value. What do you guys think? I really don't even watch them as I'm kept busy with new releases via Blockbuster Online.

I would sell anything I no longer had any use for.

Comparing CD vs SACD/DVD-A and DVD vs Hi Def DVD does not compute. The average consumer does not have a system capable of revealing the differences in the audio formats, doesn't even know they exist, and doesn't care if they do know. On the other hand most people have heard of high definition TV and can easily tell the difference. I haven't seen either one but if hi def DVD is as good as hi def TV then they are more than "slightly better" than today's DVD. On a large screen hi def TV blows away a regular broadcast and a regular broadcast is better than a DVD. Once the players are reasonably priced they will eventually replace today's DVD.
i have spoken to a writer who is currently reviewing the hd-dvd's and he says there isnt that much of a difference to warrant buying the hd version. perhaps you should spend the money on a newer processor or a newer receiver. the real advantage for audiophiles will be the uncompressed sound.
Tvad, I thought that Blu-ray was not going to be back-compatible with the current DVD's. Can anyone else confirm this?
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a writer who is currently reviewing the hd-dvd's and he says there isnt that much of a difference to warrant buying the hd version

Can you please clarify? Is my assumption incorrect that hi def dvd has as good a picture as my hi def TV from the cable?