Time to sell my dvd collection?

With HD DVD just getting of it's feet and Blu-Ray coming soon is now a good time to sell my 250-300 dvds? I would like to do it before they become obsolete and lose more value. What do you guys think? I really don't even watch them as I'm kept busy with new releases via Blockbuster Online.

I don't know guys, but I have a DVHS deck that i got as a floor demo from Best Buy last year, and a half dozen prerecorded DVHS tapes. The tapes are digitally mastered at 1080i native resolution (digital, not analog format). The improvement over the same title on DVD is unreal. Tons more detail, better shadow definition, totally eye-popping. Even my wife, who's ususally oblivious to such things noticed it immediately.

If HD DVD and/or Blu Ray are this good then I can't wait.
I wonder if our current DVD players or Universal players can be upgraded to play the high-res formats without having to sell our current component/s.

I have heard Meridian plans to have an upgrade for the 800 DVD player to oe of the formats, possibly the G98 as well, but that is the only buzz I've heard about updating players. I suspect we will all be replacing our older gear.
I'd hang on to your collection.
Unless you're anal (don't really know what that means) and want everything "just so" (no bastard formats lying around).

The fact that you purchased these DVDs means you have some interest in their content. Even if you only watch them on a rainy afternoon, they will be there for you.
Also, I find OWNING something gives me an excuse for NOT watching it if I stumble onto it channel surfing. I can't tell you how many times I've been sucked into watching "The Alamo". Since I own it, cut WAY back!

Finally, new DVD players can upsample to 1080i.
This adds lots of value to existing libraries.
I watched "Road to Perdition" and was AMAZED by the detail and texture in the clothing worn by Tom Hanks & Paul Neuman in the church basement scene! Great stuff!

I have plenty of DVDs but can't really think of more than a score that would benefit from HD treatment.
The film source just isn't that good.
Shooting a film in HD is really an infant art form.
I.E., the really great HD films havn't even been created yet.

Keep them disks!
Tvad, thanks for the heads-up, and that valuable link. Maybe I'm mistaken, but I thought that when the upcoming Blu-ray format was first announced, it was NOT going to be back-compatible with current DVD's. Is this correct, or is the count 0-2 ?