Subwoofer for classical music listener

This is my second post on the subject of subwoofers.
My first post wasn't specific enough.
I listen to classical music 90% of the time.
Are there any classical music listeners out there who have subwoofers?
if there are, could you let me know what you have?
i don't imagine I would need quite as powerful or expensive a sub as those who mainly listen to other types of music, but I may be wrong.

Thanks to your recommendation and one other that was glowing, and a price I couldn't refuse, I bought a used one on Audiogon.
The only problem now is to find a crossover that matches the impedance of my amplifier.  I suppose I can use the sub just the way it is now without any damage.
I wrote to Vandersteen about obtaining one.

clearthink, sorry to say but you need to chill a bit. I don't think anyone here considers classical music - I assume western classical, something "elitist". This genre of music just by its nature, e.g., large number of instruments, drastic transients, generally large venues, etc., etc., is difficult to reproduce accurately at home. That's the bottom line. I have two "systems" that sound great playing almost everything pretty well but they suck with western orchestral classical music. Doesn't bother me much but I recognize its limitations. OP is asking a valid question and IS getting great input.

((Is there any reason not to go with the Vandersteen 2Wq!?
Anyone else have an opinion?))

 absolutely great choice!
 rvpiano start with using the supplied assessment box and read the well written manual.
 This will assure your investment is safe.
 The manual will explain how you experiment with the various settings that
 work with your amps specific input impedance.
 The most important thing to realize some amps like rotel and bryston
 you may need to go lower in the settings then usual to get the right amount of bass.
A pair of these will improve your in room bass response while also allowing your main amp to benefit from doing any heavy lifting.
 when its all set correctly leveled and spiked your whole system dramatically performs better and on a more engaging level.
 Let us know how your doing
 Best JohnnyR
 Vandersteen dealer