Thiel 3.6 s and amplifier choices

I recently purchased Thiel 3.6's. Currently driving them with an Aragon 4004 Mark II. Other equip is Arcam FMJ23 Cd, VPI TNT, and Krell KRSII preamp, FMS Grey cables and old Audioquest Interconnects. Looking for suggestions on amplifier as I think there is a lot more to be had out of these speakers. Balance is slightly tipped up due to mid bass leanness but they do so many things right. Any thoughts.
I've got a Sony TA-N80ES driving my Thiels at 270 wpc at 4 ohms.

One upgrade path is to buy another Sony and bridge them, one amp per speaker.

Any experience on this setup or considered opinions?
What about Macs? I have a chance of getting me a used CS6. Which Mac will do 'em justice?
In my opinion the Mac is not a good choice.
It would sound ok, though not as tight as some others in the bass region. The mac is very smoothe a good thing with the THIEL, but not as controlled as say Classe, Krell (a tad bit grainy) Pass. Of these, I'd pick the Pass.
Good Luck
Larry Staples
Got another Sony TA-N80ES so now running them as monoblocks in bridged mode.

The extra power (circa 500 wpc) made an audible difference and I wouldn't volunteer to go back to the 270 wpc (into 4 ohm) single amp arrangement.

I'm confident that I could invest in other amps that would upgrade the sound but I've got about $100 in each Sony amp so the cost/benefit equation is very attractive with this setup.