Duelund Capacitors??

Does anyone know what the sonic differences are between the copper foil capacitors and the aluminum foil capacitors.
The copper caps are twice the price. are you getting twice the sonic benefit by using copper over aluminum foil caps?
Always use a bypass cap in parallel with your other cap. In series, the total capacitance will always be lower than the smallest value cap.

For example, if you put a 1uF cap in series with a 100uF cap, the measured value of both of them would be around .99 uF.

Back to the Duelunds ; I compared an Aluminum Duelund to a BAT cap to see if there was an improvement. BAT uses a very similar cap to the Jensen Copper foil in oil. The BAT caps have copper leads, whereas Jensen uses silver leads.

The BAT caps were the best, followed by the Copper foil Jensens, then the Aluminum Duelunds. The Duelunds were too bright and not as tonally correct.

These test were done on signal level and not speaker level. I mention this because speakers normally sound better with the brighter caps, rather than those which are darker and richer, which to me, are preferable on line level and signal coupling.

So I leave it open for the Duelund Aluminum on speakers. But based on all that I have read, the Aluminum Duelunds have never outperformed the Copper.

For what it's worth, I replaced the Mundorf silver/gold/oil (s/g/o) capacitors in my speakers (Silverline SR17.5) with Duelund VSF copper (I had replaced the stock caps with the s/g/o).

Some brief notes:

- The slight upward tilt of the s/g/o that Tony Gee mentioned was too much for me after several months of listening.

- The VSF copper caps are indeed much better harmonically balanced as Tony Gee noted. They are also richer and faster than the s/g/o in my application.
Just FYI, I've listed my Duelund Silver Wax/Oil 0.047 caps on e-bay. :)


The new Duelund Jam caps are a great bargain 40% off retail, introductory 
Lot price tinned Copper, in oil great combo rich but also open and detailed 
I use to complement my one big cap in my speakers 68uf these Big 2.2 if caps 
Are over 2inches by 2inches just for s 2uf cap can you say Huge .630v can go anywhere if you have the space . Metal can recommend electrical tape if near anything conductive.  I  am not positive if non conductive.
The New Duelund Jam  caps use Tin -Copper foil in oil cap , they have several
Different case types depending on size. Which give a slightly different character.
These are s step up from the  Jensen from my experirnce could be too because of the paper case in Jensen vs my caps  metalcase,vs paper giving paper  bit softer balance on the leading edge .