Subwoofer for classical music listener

This is my second post on the subject of subwoofers.
My first post wasn't specific enough.
I listen to classical music 90% of the time.
Are there any classical music listeners out there who have subwoofers?
if there are, could you let me know what you have?
i don't imagine I would need quite as powerful or expensive a sub as those who mainly listen to other types of music, but I may be wrong.

Al:  Thanks again for your help.
The preamp is a vintage CJ P11 tube model.
i don't really know what modifications were done except that I sent it out not working and it came back sounding better than ever. I don't know what they did, if anything, to change the design.
My connecting cables are about two feet in length.

OK. The manual for the PV11 indicates a nominal output impedance of "less than 500 ohms" (presumably at mid-range frequencies), and recommends a minimum load impedance of 10K ohms. Given that output impedance and the short length of the cables to the amps the added capacitance of line-level interconnects that would connect the preamp to a sub won’t be an issue, for any reasonable length. But I would look for a sub providing a line-level input impedance of at least 20K, as the parallel combination of 20K and the 22K input impedance of your amps results in an overall load impedance that would be seen by the preamp of:

(22 x 20)/(22 + 20) = 10.5K.

Unfortunately the specs I can recall for many of the REL models indicate line-level input impedances of 10K, which with the 22K input impedance of the amps would result in a combined load impedance of only 6.9K, well below CJ’s 10K recommended minimum for the PV11. The SVS SB-1000 that was suggested has a line-level input impedance of 47K, which would be great. Some of the relatively expensive JL Audio models have unbalanced line-level input impedances of 50K, although if I recall correctly the input impedance of some of their other models may be too low to be acceptable. You may have to contact some of the other manufacturers that have been suggested to determine the input impedance, if it isn't indicated at their website or in the manuals that are provided online.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al

Al:  Thank you for the time and effort you've put into this.
I notice the SVS-SB1000 sells for about $500.
Can the quality at this price level  be any good?
Or should I look further?

RV, I have no first-hand knowledge of the sonics of SVS subs (or subs from any of the other manufacturers that have been mentioned, as I don't use a sub in my system).  But FWIW the comments I can recall seeing here and elsewhere about the SVS subs have been very favorable.

-- Al

I'm using a Rogue Pharaoh integrated class D amplifier with a Vandersteen 2Wq sub. After reading this thread, I tried a little testing. When I turn the balance control all the way to the left while playing music, the sub sounds pretty much normal. But when I turn balance all the way to the right, the subs output seems somewhat attenuated. When balance is in the mid setting, all seems normal. Bass sounds good and well integrated (seamless) with the main speakers. Using one sub, the left and right signal is summed at the sub. Everything to my ears sounds normal and good, but I can't help but wonder if I'm not getting quite as much mix of the right signal along with the left. I have had this sub in my system for over a month and a half with everything turned on most of the time and have noticed no ill effects to the powered sub or my Rogue. Any thoughts?  Thanks!   