Subwoofer for classical music listener

This is my second post on the subject of subwoofers.
My first post wasn't specific enough.
I listen to classical music 90% of the time.
Are there any classical music listeners out there who have subwoofers?
if there are, could you let me know what you have?
i don't imagine I would need quite as powerful or expensive a sub as those who mainly listen to other types of music, but I may be wrong.

Rvpiano, the SB-2000 is described as having the same 47K line-level input impedance as the SB-1000, so using the PV11 to drive both the SB-2000 and your amps should be fine.

Tim (Mr_m), first I'm pretty certain that the DC offset issue which Rvpiano experienced using his amps with the 2Wq doesn't apply in your situation.  I believe that issue applies mainly (or perhaps entirely) to certain older designs utilizing ICEPower modules, while the Pharaoh is Hypex-based.  Also, I don't see anything in the manual for the Pharaoh cautioning against connecting a sub or any other active device to its outputs.

As far as the issue you described is concerned, I'm understanding that the symptom just occurs on the output of the sub, and not on the outputs of the main speakers.  And I assume it occurs on musical passages for which imaging is centered between the speakers when the balance control is set normally. If so it would certainly seem to point to an imbalance between channels in the input circuit of the sub, which would be surprising.  And if so it may be worth contacting RV (the sub designer, not the OP :-)) and seeing if he can shed any light on it.  Beyond that I have no particular thoughts about the issue.

-- Al
I called SVS an they assured me the SB-2000 has the same line level input (47K) as the 1000, so I ordered it.
Thanks everyone for your help (especially Al) in choosing a subwoofer.
I hope this one works out.
Rvpiano, one further thought. I recall reading several years ago that at some time in the past DC blocking devices were marketed specifically for the purpose of connecting powered subs to amps utilizing the ICEPower-based class D modules that had the substantial DC offsets. Although I suspect such devices are no longer available new, it may be possible to find some used ones, which would presumably make it possible to use the 2Wq you already have.

Edit:  This was written before seeing your post just above.

-- Al

PPS: Rvpiano, ignore my last post. In addition to the fact that you’ve already ordered another sub, I’m uncertain as to whether the DC blocking devices I referred to would be suitable for use when monoblock amplifiers are used in conjunction with just one sub, given that the sub probably connects its negative input terminals for the two channels directly together.

-- Al
I am using two JL Audio F110v2 with a JL Audio CR-1 crossover.  Very surprised no one has mentioned this.  This is an incredibly seamless system once calibrated.  The calibration does take time but the crossover allows you to do this with precision.  My speakers alone have nice bass response but once i added the subs with the crossover it took it to a new level.  Highly recommended