Subwoofer for classical music listener

This is my second post on the subject of subwoofers.
My first post wasn't specific enough.
I listen to classical music 90% of the time.
Are there any classical music listeners out there who have subwoofers?
if there are, could you let me know what you have?
i don't imagine I would need quite as powerful or expensive a sub as those who mainly listen to other types of music, but I may be wrong.

I'll second what schubert said. I have a pair of Gallo TR3s and they are superb for music in general. (It's just coincidence that I'm selling them. LOL)
I listen to classical music about 80% of the time and yes, I believe that sub woofer(s) which are successfully integrated with your listening room and main speakers can make a significant difference.

Over the years I've owned about a half-dozen speaker/sub woofer setups.  Some of the integrations have been pretty stress-free, others not!

My current setup is in a room that had terrible low frequency characteristics (too numerous to go into here), so integrating my pair of JL Audio F113V2 subs was a very frustrating challenge!  I ultimately purchased a UMIK-1 miniDSP calibration microphone, the REW (Room EQ Wizard) software and 10 bass traps to control the room resonances and finalize the tuning of the subs.

As it's been said by others, the best sub woofer is the one that doesn't sound like you have them....until you turn the power off!

Enjoy your setup!
Ok!  So I just got my SVS SB 2000 subwoofer.
now I'm experimenting with various settings and positions.
So far, I'm delighted that it hasn't compromised the sound of my system.
I have a question though.  Whereas it has filled in the bass very nicely,
complementing the sound, there have been no visceral lows like that which I hear in a concert hall.  The bass fiddle in a jazz group sounds just fine, very well balanced.  But when I play a Telarc block buster, I expect more impact.
It is very satisfying musically in the stuff I've played so far.
Am I asking too much?
One possible problem is the Y connector joining the sub and amplifier to the preamp.
Although I ordered the correct figuration, Amazon sent the wrong one.
So, I had to jump in my car and get a very thin, cheap one from Radio Shack (yes, there still out there, but few and far between.). I've reordered one, triple the thickness.  The SVS guy said the thickness shouldn't have that much effect, but I wonder. (Size does matter!)

If your preamp outs are tied together in order to provide two sets of jacks instead of just one set, you may create a problem with a Y connector.  I believe this can cause the output jacks to the main speaker amplifier to be in mono, so in essence three mono channels.  Almarg would certainly know if this can happen.

You stated on 5/27 your system had "great impact" and now with the sub you chose you have lost that?  Impact, slam whichever you want to call it IME happens in the 60-90hz range not at sub frequencies.     

@ rvpiano
Are you sure you are hooking it up correct? Are you using two y connectors ? Also you are not using the high pass filter option if you are using it that way!