Who listens primarily to Redbook CD?

My primary (only, actually) source is a CEC TL5 Transport feeding an Audio Note Kit 1.1 NOS DAC through a Cerious Technologies Graphene Extreme AES/EBU digital cable. They are both decked out with CT GE power cords, Synergistic Research Quantum Black fuses, Herbie's Audio Lab Tenderfeet isolation footers, plus other misc. tweaks.

Sounds great, and I have very little desire to add another source. Pretty much all the music I want is available on CD, and is usually quite cheap. I hope to upgrade to an AN factory DAC (3.1x/II, or better, would be nice), and a Teo Audio liquid metal digital cable (I have their Game Changer ICs, and absolutely love them!) in the future.

Who else is happy with Redbook CD as their primary source?
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I should add that current leading converters use very many parallel 1 bit Delta Sigmas to reduce SN. This eliminates the major drawback of a Delta Sigma 1 bit converter. The linearity and consequently low THD is the major advantage of Delta Sigma 1 bit over a ladder 16 bit DAC. Since the noise issue of early Sigma Delta DACs has been resolved (by using many in parallel) their sound has improved and surpassed R2R ladders DACs to my ears and IMHO. I believe the performance measurements of current leading Delta Sigma DACs support my contention - unsurpassed SN, THD etc.
I listen mostly to CDs, although I have many LPs that are superior in sound to the CD reissues of those albums.  I actually have ripped all of my CDs to WAV files, so I am not actually listening to the CDs themselves, even though I could do that as well (a music server is much more convenient than playing CDs).  I don't know about attributing performance to particular technology, but, I believe my server employs a R2R ladder DAC.
i have Tidal , SACD, Hi Rez on hard drive and red book cd.
Red book cds off my MSB transport to MSB DAC sound best to me.
i listen to Tidal to discover new stuff and when Im too lazy to pull out a cd. I listen to Hi Rez and titles off my hard drive when want to listen to my own collection but mainly when i am lazy.  i always end up being most satisfied when i play red book CD
BTW  MSB has designed and built a new proprietary R2R architecture that far exceeds the performance of the original ladder DAC design.