Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
I would place the monitors on a pair of very short Isoacoustics isolation stands and set the stands on top of the subs.
This is exactly what I’ve done since purchasing my Omega Super 3i’s (I have the IsoAcoustics Aperta). Funny, I did this as a work-around until I got proper new stands but I ended up loving the result. It was John S who gave me the idea btw. I’m still using two MicroSubwoofer 10’s for sub duty and in my experience, 2 is most definitely better than 1.
Excellent discussion.....

For deep impact and gut wrenching power I do agree full heartedly
subs are a must. As a few people know I've been in the business and tried so many subs from A-Z that when I decided too go gang busters last time I wanted new subs.
 To go all out on subs you can spend your kids college tuition.....no problem. But at some point I said no way I'm spending $30k on subs.
So looking around, talking to a few crazy people I decided to build my own subs and save some big bucks. My house is built on a raised foundation so I decided to take on an infinite baffle design.
As I dove in to the planing stages I decided for a design containing four 18" drivers per side.....Ohhh no that got vetoed faster.....You know the rest of the story if your married lol. So two 18" per side was fine.

My wife is very agreeable to all sort of hair brained ideas I have but
before you know it she sniffed out the next hurdle....the holes in the floor. Due to the design I use the cavity under the house as the infinite baffle. That battle was slightly easier then a six foot stack of 
18" drivers, at least the floor can be patched the other option was an eyesore of the first kind (according to her).
With all that surface area and 2000 watts per side even a small movement will energize the room, no strain, no chuffing ports just pure energy......amazing. If you feel wanting for good deep vibrations
in a movie, I never heard anything even coming close to the energy
and output all the way down to 5 hz, 8hz will make the house react like we have an earth quake the house moves like in waves and all
the wiring inside the walls will slap the drywall. 
Now even though the 4/5000s are dipping in to the 25hz region I find that to get the best sound for music is to x-over at 100 hz yep it sounds cleaner less muddy, just more musical. For movies I open the taps and let them go full tilt as it does sound fuller.

Another weekend for F1 Racing so I'm a happy man...🇸🇪

"I do have in teh back of my head that powered subs + smaller speakers and smaller amp, like in my second system, could potentially surpass even my other bigger badder rig currently."
(maps, 6/9)

Exactly...;)  Do that.  With your ears and intellect, you ought to be pleasantly surprised, if not blown away.

Yeah, I'm lurking out here on the periphery....y'all need to be watched. *L*
Just wanted to say....WOW
The F1  race in Canada was A-mazing  and I'm pumped. And I didn't 
know that Champagne taste great in a sweaty shoe, Patric Stewart does (If you watch F1 you will know what I'm talking about). 

I will try to work on the speakers this week, as few of you know I do have some health issues that makes it hard to work sometimes due to pain, but I will do my best to get started again tomorrow.

So I do have to make some decisions on the tweeter unit as The whole upper assembly is dependent on the type of tweeter I want to use. I have given the ESS unit a thought as it does sound pretty awesome and it's amazingly easy to X-over the the unit to the Walsh driver.
 The issue I'm having is size and weight, the thing ways anywhere from 10-16lbs and the overall size at 6" tall on the big bad boy is something I have to consider. If anyone has an input feel free to tell me what you think......I'm open to suggestions.

Other than that I love the way the cabinet looks even though I went through some tough times getting it right. I've done some test fitting of the finish and I will be killer and I believe no one else has done it
so that's very exciting.

Have a great rest of the weekend.......🇸🇪

Hi Peter i like the idea of the ESS . I would fabricate a tweeter stand like a tripod attached to a ring that goes around the l/f driver flange so that you can rotate the tweeter . the top of the tripod base should have enough room to time align the tweeter .