Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
Since 1984 I have owned a pair of the fabulous Audio Pulse 835. This now defunct Canadian company produced these excellent 3-way bass reflex speakers. 90db sensitivity. Not much for power handling, but perfect for tubes.

These little gems are exemplars of the fine Canadian loudspeaker industry. Why is it that speakers made in Canada are usually so darned good????

These stunning little speakers continue to amaze me. As I write this I'm listening to them in my listening cottage, playing some great old vinyl.

They are absolutely beautiful too. They make my B&W Nautlius 804s look like crap. Audiophiles should try to ferret out a pair!
I've owned Proac Response 2.4s for 4 1/2 years and have no plans of replacing them. They've worked with every amp I've tried and have that inexpressable "musicality" that make an audio component classic. I'm using an SET amp now and I'm sure it's not giving it's best with the Proacs, but if I ever start auditioning other speakers, I'll do everything I can to keep the Proacs just cause they make just good music.
Years ago I started with the Vandersteen 4s. These were the only questionable product Richard has ever produced, primarily because the subwoofers were so difficult to drive. But, having owned the 4s, I became adicted to the Vandersteen sound. The longer you listen, the better it sounds. From the 4s, I went to the Vandersteen 3As - an absolutely amazing product for the money.

For the past 2.5 years I have owned the Vandersteen 5s, and have never once thought of looking for something else. The better the equipment mated with them, the better they sound. Check out my entire system in Audio Asylum under pctower.

I have been an audiophile for over 30 years, and have made hundreds of changes in my system. The one constant is Vandersteen speakers. If you want speakers that you appreciate more the longer you own them, definitely check out the Vandersteen 5s.
Our Avalon Acoustics Arcuses. Listened to many. Owned others. The 2-way to beat, IMO.
I think Ryllau answers his own question about as well it can be done in his 3rd post - audition those from manufacturers who have had the time and the track record to develop and refine proven designs, and who place an emphasis on timbral accuracy, instead of a "house sound" or being "new & improved" every model year. If I were him, that would mean starting with the current Pro-Acs, and branching out from there to auditioning some of the other brands he mentions. As for me, I've only had my Thiels for 4 years, but when I eventually upgrade, I certainly won't leave such a proven (to me) marque out of the mix.