Tekton room at the Los Angles Audio Show.

Any reports on the Tekton room at the Los Angles Audio Show?
@johnmarzy: Thanks for sharing your time at the Positive Feedback room. Very helpful. And well written,...took me there.
@corelli:  It's incredible how music can be such an amazing time-machine. Your post took me back 17 years to a very small restaurant in Girona, Espana, where I heard the Koln Concert for the first time. Had I been with my date, I probably would have asked her to marry me on the spot. Lucky for her, she wasn't there. :)

I attended the show and made a point to seek out the Tekton room.  When I arrived I discovered that it was the Positive Feedback room and that they were demoing various low cost speaker systems. 

I asked them to set ip the DI's and they allowed me to take the sweet spot as they moved them into place.  They sounded pretty good considering the small room and inexpensive electronics. 

I have previously heard the DI's at my local dealer in a large dedicated room with low powered tube gear.  The sound was lush and magical, Despite the low cost ($3k) of the speakers.

My favorite sound from the show was the Sanders speakers and amps. These were simply in a different league for "reasonably" priced gear in terms of imaging, speed, bass quality and midrange purity. Other standouts were the Harbeths (midrange purity) and the phenomenal Elac Andantes for $5k. I include my favorites so that you can judge what kind of sound I am drawn toward when appraising a system.  At home I own large Maggies.

The Tektons really are something special, and I wish they would demo them more at shows.
Kenny, it is true, I am not a fan of yours.  It's not your fault, it has more to do with the fact that a number of the long term Audiogoners whose posts I enjoyed reading have dropped off for whatever reasons and have been replaced by a different breed of cat.  I also think life is too short for pettiness, so I removed the post.  For what it's worth (if anything) I am the director of a large company and deal with hundreds of people in a very positive manner and this thing is a one off.  Peace and enjoy your speakers.