Theoretical cable question

From a theoretical or engineering perspective, which type of speaker cable, multi-stranded braided like Kimber Kable 8PR or solid copper like Spelz's Anticable, will give me more high frequency extension, "sparkle" if you will.  Short run from monoblocks, 1-3 feet in length. Feeding Von Schweikert VR4-JR upper treble module only.  Or, conversely, which one would feed the bass module with better lows.  As you might imagine, swapping out the cables and trying to discern the difference in sound is problematic because music memory is short and trading out cables takes time.  I'm just curious if there would be a difference "electrically" over such a short difference.  Thanks!
In general, silver wire will provide more (and/or more extended) highs, heavy gauge silver or copper more bass.
Kimber gives you the inductance per unit length on their cables, and is a long-time manf. with a good track record.

I have never seen any basis for the claims on silver cable.

You will have to try a number of cables to find one you prefer, hence the cable 'rental' firms.

1-3 ft is not likely to cause much difference and you are smart to keep it short (another adv. to mono-block amps)
I run my ESL's exactly the same way: 50 cm cables from mono blocks.

Based on my experience, I suspect that over such a short distance any differences are purely theoretical and inaudible. 

That said, Litz wire (many small, independently insulated strands) gives better high frequency response. In theory.

Also, according to the Maxwell Equations, capacitance attenuates high frequencies at line levels, while inductance is the problem at power levels. That means two ribbons in very close proximity to maximize capacitance and minimize inductance. Goertz speaker cable is a good exemplar.

But I don't think you'll hear any difference at all. Good luck!