Tube Phono with Tube Integrated Amp?

what are the drawbacks (if any) of this setup?  

i recently acquired a VPI Prime (amazing) with a Soundsmith Zephyr MKIII.   using a ProJect Tube Box S (which was a phenomenal upgrade for my previous ProJect Carbon table).  right now, running this through a vintage Kenwood KA-9100, powering Elac UniFi's bookshelf speakers. 

i'm looking to build a 2 channel system that i can grow with, so please disregard the amp/speakers for now.  I've read great things about the Manley Chinook and the Allnic H1201.   in the event that i upgrade to a tube integrated amp in the future, is there any downside?
i've read on this forum that a tube phono is better paired with a solid state amp.  

@lewm - no disagreement here. It's just something I've heard bandied about as a little 'factoid' among people into audio, and not just online. Maybe it's a generational thing? guys that are younger than me speak knowledgeably about getting the benefits of tubes in the preamp, and the power and "cleanness" (goes the story) of SS in the power amp. I don't actually think it's true, I'm just reporting. (Btw I read your post on impedance matching with great interest. And as I said, my phono stage has a FET MC input, and I ain't complaining). 
It wasn't you who attached a negative connotation to the use of FETs. 
As to tubes vs transistors, that's one of the oldest arguments in audio.  But I don't think one should mix technologies with the expectation that out of that mixture one will get the best of both worlds.  There's no guarantee of that.

i'm in a similar situation i'm looking for a Phono stage in around the $2k give or take a few hundred. and there is so many out there that are good in this price range. the Chinook and the Musical Surroundings super nova 2 are high on my list, as the Zesto is just a bit out of my price range used still. but i'm still open to suggestions as well so i'll be keeping my eye on this thread.

but to answer some of your questions. tube phono's tend to be more musical and slightly warmer but tend to have more hiss and back ground noise. SS are quieter but not as lush sounding. that's of course a generalisation as there is great SS and Tube phono stages, specially as you go up in price and they can spend more on tube components the tube vs SS gap closes. I tend to like the synergy of tubes driving tubes but if you follow the impedance rules your fine. I've been happy with both.

But don't forget to look for something that will allow you to change carts as you mentioned as some phono stages have more flexibility then other when it comes to settings like input impedance and capacitance.

I meant to include in my last post regarding the Chinook as a hybrd(SS FET stage)-

The Manley was impressively quiet against my  all tube(including rectifier) unit.
Such that, I initially thought the thing wasn't working! It won the noise category.

Realism presentation however, went to my existing,hissy(at ridiculous levels) all tube unit. Even the GF and her friends  present agreed. My unit has active gain for LOMC, so a wee bit noisey.

Perhaps I could achieve both, but not at a 2-3k price point. 

If you expand your horizons to consider used equipment, you'd be amazed at what you can acquire for $3K.  Just take a look at the Audiogon listings. I do understand that many are not comfortable with purchasing expensive second hand merchandise.